Builder Association of the Twin Cities

The Builders Association of the Twin Cities got its start in the late 1930s by a small group of builders. Their goal was to increase the professionalism and quality of the homebuilding industry. Over the years the association has grown to include builders, remodelers, sub-contractors, suppliers, and other professionals who support the building industry. Members subscribe to a defined code of ethics, and all of our builders conform to Minimum Performance Standards for construction and business practices. All builder and remodeler members are licensed through the state of Minnesota and must comply with the rules, regulations, and continuing education requirements set by state statute.

Today, BATC focuses on delivering benefits to members in four key areas: Marketing, Networking, Public Policy and Education. You can find more detail about each of these core areas of focus on this website. Our key marketing inititative involves presenting the Parade of HomesSM spring and fall new home and remodeling (Remodelers Showcase®) events. Open houses are promoted through comprehensive guidebooks and an interactive website. We offer educational opportunities through BATC University for both accredited contractor and real estate license continuing education as well as general business topics to provide our members with the tools they need to succeed. Through our public policy initiatives we protect our members’ interests by helping local, regional and state legislators and governmental agencies understand the realities of the home building and remodeling business. And our year-long networking opportunities make it possible for members to increase their business connections.

In addition to these key areas of focus, we make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate through our charitable arm, the BATC Foundation. Through its good work, we are able to support new home and remodel projects that address housing needs for regional families in need. And our newest initiative is Minnesota’s Green Path, a program to certify and recognize energy efficient and indoor environmental quality issues along with other green building techniques.